Manufacturing Data Collection

The Manufacturing Data Problem

Modern manufacturing processes produce an enormous amount of data that, if collected and properly utilized, can provide valuable information to aid organizations in making smarter business decisions and lead to a significant competitive advantage. Unfortunately, it can be quite challenging to collect and capture all of the relevant data that you have available to you so that it can become useful. Engineering Industries eXcellence's specialists are experts in helping manufacturers implement the best data collection techniques for their processes and environment. We leverage a proven portfolio of technology and hardware tools that can help your company solve this challenging problem. Some of the many techniques we use to help our customers capture manufacturing data include:

  • IoT (Internet of Things) sensor integration
  • Line HMI (Human Machine Interface) system integration
  • PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) integration
  • RTU (Remote Terminal Units) integration
  • SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems
  • RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) bar code integration
  • Robot and AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) integration
  • CNC and other machine integration (new and legacy models)

Protocols for Data Collection

The main technical challenges related to the collection of manufacturing data often revolve around connecting to machines that have not been previously connected to a manufacturing network or communicating with them using a protocol not previously used by the end customer. Many of the disconnected machines on plant floors are older legacy equipment representing a huge investment, and these machines can require more technology than a standard adapter to fully implement modern data collection, monitoring and analysis systems. Engineering Industries eXcellence's team not only has extensive experience integrating legacy and new equipment of all makes and models to manufacturing data collection systems, but also has the expertise needed to create a middle communication layer amongst them, a critical aspect in order to enable smarter data-driven decision-making and drive real value for your organization. Just a few of the industry protocols we support include:

  • OPC (UA or DA)
  • MTConnect
  • SECS/GEM (for semiconductors)
  • ODB
  • IPC CFX (for PCB)

Features of Data Collection Systems

  • Real-time visibility into production
  • Advanced dashboards
  • Detailed reporting
  • Device history records
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) calculation
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) calculation
  • Statistical Process Control (SPC) management
  • Alarm and notification configuration
  • Integration with automation and controls (PLCs, scales, I/O devices, etc.)
  • Integration with other production (MES, PLM) and business-level (ERP) systems

Benefits of Data Collection Systems

  • Reduce waste
  • Improve throughput
  • More informed decision-making
  • Faster response times to issues
  • Improve benchmarking
  • Optimize and improve processes
  • Reduce faulty/incorrect data submission
  • Eliminate paper-based audit trails and manual data submission

Engineering Industries eXcellence is dedicated to creating lasting partnerships for Digital Manufacturing with our customers. Let us work with you to find the combination of data collection techniques and solutions that will provide the greatest benefit to your organization while having the smallest impact on your existing processes. Our experience and expertise can help your company meet and exceed all your operational and business goals.

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